Funny Thoughts in Martial Arts

Saw this the other day. Just had to copy & paste here:

New guy at the dojo, please:
Stop saying that you "trained UFC before." UFC is not a sport. MMA is.
No, your old karate uniform won’t do the job, bro. Get yourself a BJJ or Judo gi.
Stop saying you would do better if strikes were allowed. Actually that would probably be even worse.
Stop saying stuffs like: "He choked me with my own gi, that is unfair!" You are embarrassing yourself.
You know what? Stop talking unless you have a question.  A real one, these are always welcome.
When, asked by the professor, a blue belt is showing you the very basics of jiu-jitsu, don’t argue. The guy is doing you a favor.
Don’t get too excited when a purple belt gives you his back. He is toying with you.
Stop struggling to get out of that arm bar, you are going to hurt yourself. In fact, tapping is the first move you should learn.
Next time you twist my fingers, I will twist your spine.
Don’t bully white belt girls so you can claim you beat someone on your first class. Remember they are our friends.
It is a jiu-jitsu school, not a fight club. That is the reason why I didn’t break your shoulder earlier.  So calm down.
And finally shut up during challenge matches.  Watch and learn.
Oh, I almost forgot. Yes BJ Penn got his black belt in three years. But you won’t.



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