Calvinist or Not?

Some people claim to adhere to "reformed theology" but they do not defend the most extreme Calvinist points. Some people ardently oppose the concept that they espouse "Arminian" doctrine, but they really do. Now, I'm not talking about terms like "Semi-Pelagian" (only used by Calvinists), Amyraldism (4-point Calvinism, for those who CANNOT justify the unscriptural position of"Limited Atonement"), or even Molonism.

I'm talking about truly reformed thinking...
that happens to be in line with scripture...
that also happens to be completely "Arminian" in nature.

Total Depravity
If you believe Total Depravity means that all men (and women) have sinned... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you have issues with the concept of Total Inability... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you think total depravity = total inability... you are Calvinist. Please go back to the Bible and read.

Unconditional Election
If you believe that God predestines those that accept Him to salvation... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that God predestines whom will be saved... you might be a Calvinist. Please go back to the Bible and read.

Limited Atonement
If you believe that Christ's sacrifice was enough to pay for the sins of all mankind... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that not all people will accept the gift of salvation... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe in particular atonement instead of Limited atonement... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that Christ's salvation was only for a few "elect" ... you might be a Calvinist. Please go back to the Bible and read.

Irresistible Grace
If you believe that God draws all men and women to Him... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that God does it all... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that God's Grace, when He applies it, cannot be resisted... You might a Calvinist. Please go back to the Bible and read.

Perseverance of the Saints
If you believe that once a person is saved, they cannot lose that salvation... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that works neither secure salvation, nor do works undo salvation... YOU ARE CORRECT!
If you believe that a person who lapses into sin might not have been saved... you might be correct.
If you believe that a saved person will persevere in their works... You might be either a Calvinist, or an Arminian, or simply have not read the Bible much. Please go back to the Bible and read.   

How to score it:
Count the number of points you chose that ended with "YOU ARE CORRECT!" - goal is 5 or more.
Count the number of points you chose that end with "Please go back to the Bible and read" - goal is as few as possible.

Make two columns, and keep track:
B) "Please go back to the Bible" column

So how did you do?
How many points did you get in the "YOU ARE CORRECT" column?
If you got 0 points, I'm not sure you are even Christian.
If you got 1 or more points in the "YOU ARE CORRECT" column, then good job. Ideally, you would want to agree with all these points, as they are Biblical, and agreed on by most Christians, including Calvinists and "Arminians."

How many points did you get in the "Please go back to the Bible" column?
0 - Congratulations. You might call yourself Reformed - and you wouldn't be wrong. Calvinists call this
1-3 - Not bad. You would be called either a Molinist or moderate Calvinist.
4 - Not great. You would be called an Amyraldist or 4-point Calvinist.
Specific Interpretations  
If your only disagreement was on predestination, you are not Calvinist, just a bit misguided. Go back to the Bible and read Romans 8:28-30 and Ephesians 1:5-11. Neither passage speaks of whom will be predestined, but what has been predestined for believers.

If your only disagreement was on Perseverance of the Saints, you are certainly not Calvinist. In fact, most Calvinists would either refer to you as a "1-point Calvinist" (a derogatory term in their circles) or "Arminian."

If your only disagreement was Irresistible Grace, you are certainly not Calvinist. There are plenty who feel this way. In fact, in isolation, I am not sure it is entirely unscriptural. The problem comes at the point of does God's suggestion overwhelm our God-given ability to choose? Here's a hint: God allows us to have a sin nature; just the same as He allows us to have a free will; just the same as He imparts in us a strong desire to seek Him.

If your only disagreement was Total Depravity or Limited Atonement - you are drunk. Go home. 

If you only missed a couple of issues, you still have quite a bit of hope left. In fact, you are probably more Molinist than Calvinist. Even if one of these points is Total Inability (which must be held if you hold any of the other extreme views). Keep up the Bible study.

If you missed all but limited atonement, you are Amyraldist (4-point Calvinist). Understand, then, for the same reason you reject Limited Atonement, the other five points are easily rejected. Please take note.

If you are a true 5-pointer, I am sorry. I hope you get over yourself, get honest with yourself, and get back to scriptural teaching. I also pray for your salvation. In my mind, it would be hard to be saved and be a 5-pointer, though the two are not mutually exclusive.



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