Calvinist Lies 4

I know, I know - redundant title is redundant.

In this series, I will not debate Calvinism vs. Arminianism. After all, the majority of the people who use the term "Arminian" are Calvinists - a very small micro-sect of Christianity. The other 6-billion people on the planet refer to "Arminians" as Christians. I also like the term "Biblicist," when it comes to matters of doctrine.

Limited Atonement
Limited atonement - the "L" in TULIP - is easily the most controversial of the Five Points of Calvinism. So much so that many classic Calvinists will rename this to "particular redemption," instead. The meaning of Limited Atonement is that Christ's sacrifice was only for certain people - not all of mankind.

So much scripture refutes this concept, that many Calvinists will gloss over it altogether and rename it particular redemption. Nevertheless, the concept is false. Further, Limited Atonement must be the way Calvin described it if one believes in Total Depravity (including Total Inability) and Unconditional Election.

At this point, Calvinists will start reaching and twisting words (they always do).
"But Christ died for all of us, but knew that only some would accept Him." True statement, but it is completely in contrast to the idea of predestination. So which way is it?
"Well, if you don't believe in Limited Atonement, then you believe in General Atonement." (the idea of General Atonement is that Christ died for and saved all mankind, regardless of choice - Universalism) This is clearly a 4th-grade attempt at twisting a definition of a multiple-option referendum point into an either-or position. Doesn't work. Word-twisting and by definition, heretical.

Christ died for all mankind.
Some accept the gift purchased by Christ's death.
Some reject the gift purchased by Christ's death.



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