Sexual Sin

What is sexual sin?

Lets examine:

In the Bible, Old and New Testaments, there are several words that are used in the Hebrew and in the Greek referring to sexual sin. Interestingly enough, all 

Adultery is specifically the breaking of the marriage vows. If you made an oath to foresake all others, then you have sexual relations with a person who is not your spouse, that is adultery, and it is a sin.
Na'aph from the Hebrew - "adultery"
Moicheuo from the Greek - "adultery"
Be mindful - the sex is not the sin; the breaking of the vow is the sin of adultery. 

Homosexuality is not conducive to society. Not permitted.

Fornication - the word, as used in the Bible, most often refers to "sexual sin" (see above!).
Sex before marriage is not fornication.
Porneia from the Greek - "sexual sin"
Zanah from the Hebrew - "prostitute/whore" (not mentioned as a sin, but used as a derogatory term)
Taznuwth from the Hebrew - "prostitute" (not mentioned as a sin, but used as a derogatory term)

When the Bible is not best translated to mean the words "sexual sin," the term fornication actually means promiscuous and idolatrous sex with temple prostitutes. This was a form of "worship" practiced by the Greeks in Biblical times. This was what the New Testament refers to when it is not saying "sexual sin." 

Basically speaking, fornication - actual sexual sin - is the act of
1) worshiping another god (a sin - irrespective of sexual contact) - idolatry with sex involved.
2) dominating another person violently (a sin, irrespective of sexual contact) - rape.

Again - it is not the sex that is the wrong part - it is the evil intents of the person!

On the other hand, there is sexual immorality. Generally speaking, the Noahide Code considers sexual immorality to be:
- adultery (specific breaking of marriage vows),
- incest - homosexual or heterosexual,
- rape - homosexual or heterosexual,
- bestiality,
- sex with a person unable to consent (youth / mentally handicapped, etc.) - homosexual or heterosexual



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