Purpose of the Martial Arts

There have been a string of really disturbing things associated with the martial arts world lately. I was reading a forum where a newly minted Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) black belt hanged himself. People close to the situation say he was very dedicated on the mat, but had serious issues off the mat. Not too long ago, two high ranking students of a noted BJJ Black Belt raped a girl and it was caught on security camera.

For several years now, such delinquent behavior has been increasingly associated with MMA schools and participants, and it certainly bleeds over into the BJJ community - no doubt due in part to the close ties between the two sports.

Some time back, I called out BJJ as being the McDojo of the 21st Century - a claim I still stand behind 100%. The one main difference is that a number of McDojos do actually teach a bit of character development. Not many BJJ schools or MMA gyms do that at all.

Instead of simply calling BJJ and MMA out on their failures here, which are quite evident, I am also going to implore instructors associated with both sports to do the right thing: start emphasizing character building aspects - which have long been a part of the martial arts.



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