Winning as an instructor

Jiu-Jitsu is not the art of making someone tap out. It is the art of allowing them to be beaten in the method and manner they wish to be beaten.

Many new students rely too much on strength and speed when sparring. It is only natural. Part of my job as an instructor is to teach them not to rely on that, as there is always someone larger / faster / stronger. Technique rules.

To see a large, strong man finally give up on using his strength - particularly when rolling (sparring) with a youngster or woman - is to see one's teaching efforts finally take root. It is very reassuring when this happens.



  1. Well to mе Mаrtiаl Arts meаns гespect аnd diѕсiρline.
    I have traineԁ in different Martial arts now
    for well over 21 years. I have seen a соnsiderablе amount of peoρle come and go but one othеr
    thing that I have noticed haρpens to be the resрeсt аnd discipline that's changed those peoples perception of life.
    Children that have started that might be on the wrong side of the tracks, always in trouble and no idea how to respect other kids. Place them in a controlled environment with discipline and fighting and they soon start to understand.
    Martial arts is a way for youths and adults to get rid of their aggression without hurting or bullying anyone.


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