Rolling with new folk...

New people to jiu-jitsu will eventually start sparring. When they do, they often have herky-jerky movements that help nothing (also known as "spazzing"); they do not often have good hand, hip, or leg placement; and they invariably think they just came up with the newest end-all-be-all "stump" to your game. I spar with new folks the first few times, so they don't accidentally hurt other members of the class.

This thought (my thoughts in italics) hits me almost every time I roll (spar) with a new person in jiu-jitsu class.

You are inside my guard and grasp my wrists with your hands.
*Nobody* has ever done that before .

I'll give you a minute or two to figure out something positive to do.
I'll even tell you as much.
See, it is not so hard for me to get my hands out by making little "wax-on-wax-off" circles. 

You grab my wrists again, with even more strength this time?
I'll give you a moment to figure out something else, and I'll tell you so, again. 
Be sure to tap to that triangle. 

Now, if you are still doing this after I've given you coaching hints on passing guard...
Oy vey, as my Jewish friends would say. 



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