Dumb & Dumber

Many Americans are up in arms about what the President is doing now that he has been reelected to a second term. Specifically, there are two main hot topics these days. Taxes (the so-called "fiscal cliff") and guns (the so-called "assault weapons ban").

I even saw one idiot say on Facebook:
"Happy to say I voted for a red-blooded, gun loving American named Mitt Romney."

The obvious, and erroneous, assumption here is that Romney would do something different on taxes and spending, and that he would preserve our Second Amendment rights.


President Obama wants to raise taxes on everybody. And he does not want to cut spending at all. To be fair, Obama has claimed to be willing to concede on a few, relatively small "spending cuts" - but they aren't really that much smaller than what Boehner wants. But "Billions" and "Trillions" are difficult for many people to make heads or tails of. So let's give the numbers in the same terms:

President Obama has agreed to: $0.85 Trillion in cuts.
Speaker Boehner has asked for $1.03 Trillion in cuts.
Both over 10 years. 

We are over-spending by  $1.2 Trillion PER YEAR!

Romney advocated a plan similar to this, and would be pushing it now had he been elected. It is far too little.

President Obama wants to enact another "assault-weapons" ban. He has commissioned Vice President Joe Biden to spearhead the effort.

Romney has a record on this sort of thing... he enacted the same thing as governor! He also said in the second debate that he would sign it into law if it had bipartisan support!

So - Do you still think Romney would have been better?
We would have been in the same ship, sailing in the same direction, headed over the same waterfall to certain destruction, the only difference is that we would have a white Mormon as captain instead of a black Muslim.

When does the revolution begin?



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