Predestination is Wrong 7


God most certainly predestinates events and certainly did predestine to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the World, so that the World, through Him, might be saved. However, God most certainly does not predestinate whom shall be saved. The notion that God determines whom shall be saved is called "unconditional election," and is a false doctrine. Those who would teach it are, by definition, false prophets. To teach false doctrine is, by definition, heresy.

The main, root problem:
The root of the problem with Calvinistic thinking - specifically with the notion that God predetermines who goes to Heaven (and by default, whom goes to Hell) - is pride. These people feel a need to be better than other people in some way and have found no other way to be better. It is a warped way of thinking and it is founded in pride.

In this series, I shall disprove the notion of the predestination of whom shall be saved.

God Caused Sin:
If God predestined those who would be saved (and, consequently, those whom He would not save), that takes away free will. This also directly implies that God predetermined and caused man to sin and fall, Satan to sin and fall, and therefore, caused all evil Himself.

This is clearly not scriptural, but it is the logical conclusion of predestination. He would have had to create man specifically to sin, and that is not scriptural. But predestination cannot be explained without this concept.

7/8 - Written 4/2012


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