Legislating Morality II

As a continuation, but this idea stands on its own, as well.

What went wrong? Why did Obama get re-elected? What did Romney do wrong? What could we have done to prevent this? Who is at fault?

There is evidence now that Romney won over more independents and much more of the moderate vote. However, in the same breath, over 3 million conservative Christian voters stayed home. Considering Romney's loss came down to much less that a million votes in key precincts, it is clear that running to the middle and being moderate did not help elect Romney.

Romney also got fewer conservative votes than Bush did in 2004.
Romney also got fewer Mormon votes (generally very conservative) than Bush.

What went wrong?

Conservatives went wrong. 

A conservative candidate did not win the nomination. Romney won. If I had a penny for every time I heard or read the phrase "I may not agree totally with Romney, but..." - I'd have made enough money to actually pay for Obamacare.

Now, I am not crazy enough to think that you must agree 100% with a candidate to vote for them. That's just not feasible. However, you should have at least 50% in common with the candidate... if not 75%. Romney's consistent stances that agree with conservatism are about as numerous as Obama's. That is why a vote for Romney was a vote for Obama.

Also, we faced the fact that Obama is quite possibly the worst president in American history. If we had run a real moderate - like Lamar Alexander, for example - it would have been a landslide for the Republican.

Romney never was a moderate, even. He is a hardcore liberal.

I can hear your responses:
"But... but... Romney is in favor of business!"

The hell you say!

Obama is in favor of business, too. The two men simply disagree on which businesses will get the government favors and which will get the shaft.

No - this loss goes square on the shoulders of conservatives. Specifically those who compromised their values and voted for Romney anyways. There were other candidates who espouse conservatism - namely Gary Johnson and Virgil Goode. Of those, Johnson was on the ballot in all 50 states. Why not vote for them? If conservatives had decided to vote their conscience - to vote their VALUES, then Johnson would have won with 300+ electoral votes, and Romney and Obama would have split the vote.

I, therefore issue this challenge:

If you are really conservative, 
then DO NOT compromise your values. 
Vote your values!



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