Romney is Liberal

Came across this graph the other day. Sums up a lot of stuff very well.

If you read the chart carefully, you see why myself and others refer to President Obama as being Socialist. But, you ask, what about contender Mitt Romney, the GOP nominee for President?

Basic differences
Differences between Liberals and Socialists: only in the category of Government ownership of business.

Differences between Liberals and American Conservatives: only four categories - a) demands for high taxes, b) disrespect of private property, c) government control of business, and d) demands for quotas in business based on race or class.

Apply to Mitt Romney

A) Demands for high taxes
So, if Romney were an American Conservative, based on this chart, he would not demand high taxes. But, as part of Romneycare, he did increase taxes - though he hid behind the term "fees" (just like Obama said with Obamacare). Currently, Romney wants to increase taxes on "the rich."
So the answer for Romney with respect to demand for higher taxes is Liberal.

B) Disrespect of private property
Romney claims he wants people to "...the right to be heard before being deprived of money or property..." A man who respects private property would oppose allowing the government to ever deprive an individual of said property. There is not a case where allowing the government to seize private property has resulted in positives for society.
So the answer here on disrespect of private property is Liberal.

C) Government control of business
Romneycare... the blueprint for Obamacare. Romney supported TARP and the bailouts. Cannot get much more government control than that.
So the answer for Romney with respect to government control of business is clear: Liberal.

D) Demands for quota in business based on race or class
This one is the most clear of all. As I've already mentioned, Romney supports higher taxes on the rich. That is class-based warfare at its most fundamental core.
So the answer here on demands for class-based quota is also clear: Liberal.

So, in every case on this chart (as well as any other fair analysis), Romney's stance is quite clear: he is Liberal at best. However, when you consider that Romney supported TARP and the bailouts, and those are clear governmental ownership of business, not just control, then you realize Romney is clearly a Socialist - no different than his opponent in this race.

So, you see, my friends:




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