Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lies by the left

In this 2012 election cycle, I've noticed a few lies by the left floating around:

1. The totally fabricated "War on Women."
I mean, seriously, WTF is this???

1-A. That one must have a vagina to understand or appreciate "reproductive rights."
The most anti-abortion people I know are women. They understand "reproductive rights" just fine. It is yet another term to deny and sidestep the obvious - murder of children as a "convenience."

2. Obama is going to help the middle class and poor. 
Obama does not want there to be a middle class. He thinks anyone who pays taxes is rich, and should pay more. Conversely, he thinks anyone who is on welfare deserves more. From the Marxist idea of "from each according to his ability to each according to his need."

3. Obama wants tax decreases or to keep taxes the same. 
Obama's "tax decreases" are actually welfare. He has it set up such that those who pay no taxes in, get tax "refunds." These are not refunds... these are welfare. 

4. Democrats care for the poor. 
Truth is, Democrats want the poor to remain poor. They want them dependent on them for handouts, and therefore, votes. Truly caring for the poor would involve real remedies for poverty, assistance, and motivation for getting out of poverty. 

5. The Democrats are not "Run" by big business
The "conventional" leftist "wisdom" is that Republicans are backed by big business and therefore look out for big business. This is true. But it is equally true of Democrats. The only difference is the names of the companies doing the backing and getting the government handouts and winning the regulation lottery.

6. Romney is conservative. 
Enough said. The man is as left-leaning as Obama. 

There are more, but these are the big ones. 


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