Monday, October 8, 2012

Honest Question 1

Honest question for those out there that call themselves conservative, yet plan to vote for Mitt Romney:

Based on the premise that you value the sanctity of life (are anti-abortion, aka pro-life), how can you in good conscience vote for Mitt Rmoney, who is pro-choice by his own admission?



  1. USAGI,

    I plan on voting for Romney. I think it is much like trying to turn a plan using what remains of the rudder after it has been shot away.

    It will take a long time to do it but we can turn the plane to the right. And the alternative is unacceptable, to continue to let the plane turn to the left.

    Meanwhile, I'm working to elect really conservative people on the local and state level. It will take a while before they move to the national level but again, we have to do something now.

  2. Bob, as always, I appreciate your readership and your comments.

    I am truly sorry, however, that you will be voting for a leftist, statist, Socialist.

    There will be four more of these "Honest Questions." I would greatly like to hear your input.

  3. USAGI,

    I'm sorry that I will be voting for a leftist, statist Socialist but he is a better choice then the one currently in the office.

    If Gary Johnson stood a chance of making it, I would consider voting for him but the reality of today's climate makes that a wasted vote.

  4. Bob, if everyone who felt that way would vote for Johnson, he would win in a landslide. I challenge you to take the leap of faith. Replacing one socialist with another will never be the answer, or even an improvement.

    1. USAGI,

      This is a great discussion :)
      The problem is not enough people know or understand who/what Gary Johnson is. The numbers just aren't there.

      We would see a greater number of libertarians wining local, county, state level elections. We aren't. In the 2010, I think 15 libertarian candidates nationwide received 5% or more of the vote -- just 15!

      The other aspect, unfortunately to say, is too many people want to stick their noses in other people's business. That goes for both major political parties; they just choose different Oxes to gore first. These people do not support libertarian candidates yet.

    2. And therein lies the problem of the "two-party" system and the scam that the media has effectively pushed on the American populace so far.

      If more people voted for the candidate instead of a party, things would be different. Better.


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