Time to rename the party

I watched a lot of the DNC last week. It was odd, and then I realized why. The term "democratic" as aname for the party is misleading.

For posterity:
A definition and explanation of democracy.

A definition and explanation of socialism.

A few main points that the Democratic party adheres to that are in direct opposition to true democracy:

1. Obamacare
Democracy would have no place for a government mandate of insurance. In a true democracy, and in true democratic fashion, laws inhibit A) the government from infringing upon the people, and B) people from harming other people.

Socialism, on the other hand, is dependent upon forcing "equality" on the public. This is done at the expense of the workforce and business. Hmmm... this makes Obamacare sound more like Socialism than democracy.

2. Abortion
Democrats intentionally hide the truth on this. Abortion is the killing of a child. A person. In a democracy, one of the two acceptable types of laws are those that prevent one person from harming another.

Socialism, on the other hand, prefer the government planning of the lives of the individual. This includes population control - the main reasons abortion is performed in the US today.

3. Business
In a democracy, the people are free to earn a living as they wish (provided it is not done via means that would harm others). Government is kept to a minimum, and burdens associated with government regulation and taxes are similarly kept to a minimum.

Socialism, on the other hand, necessitates the control of business by the government.

There are more, to be sure. But these really stood out at me.

By the way, the United States of America is a representative republic, the representatives to which are determined democratically. It could be called a democratic republic - and that term, though slightly not accurate with regards to the USA, is broadly acceptable as a definition of our country's political structure.



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