Give me 3 steps
No, not the catchy tune by Skynyrd.
3 steps is all I need to disprove Calvinism - using deductive reasoning, and the scripture (untwisted):
Step 1 -
Calvinism depends on predestination.
(Without predestination, the entire concept crumbles.)
Step 2 -
If God predestined those who would be saved, then by default, He predestined who would not be saved.
(You cannot have one without the other)
Step 3 -
God wishes that none should perish, so He would not predestine a person to Hell.
II Peter 3:9
3 steps is all I need to disprove Calvinism - using deductive reasoning, and the scripture (untwisted):
Step 1 -
Calvinism depends on predestination.
(Without predestination, the entire concept crumbles.)
Step 2 -
If God predestined those who would be saved, then by default, He predestined who would not be saved.
(You cannot have one without the other)
Step 3 -
God wishes that none should perish, so He would not predestine a person to Hell.
II Peter 3:9
The Lord isn’t slow to keep his promise, as some think of slowness, but he is patient toward you, not wanting anyone to perish but all to change their hearts and lives.
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