Evil things

I was looking at a liberal blog recently, and they scoffed at the fact that my wife owns a pink AR15. One of them said : "Please just go away. Forever."

Sounded to me like "Please just die."

No telling how frightened they were of a conservative woman and her scary "assault weapon." And after all, it is all those evil features that make it even scarier.

So I figured I'd count up the evil features her gun has:
- Bayonet lug. (We have no bayonet, but I've gotta have this because it makes liberals wet their pants)
- Telescoping stock.
- Pistol grip.
- 30-round magazines ("high-capacity").
- Flash suppressor.
- Muzzle device enabling the attachment of a muzzle grenade.

Pants are being wet as we speak.



  1. I think it is very illuminating to see how the different philosophies handle opposition.

    Speaking in generalities only; pro-rights advocates like us welcome debate, opposing views and discussion. We only limit/block people after repeated trolling.

    Anti-rights cultists don't want to hear opposition, they tell people who disagree with them to go away, they often engage in 'reasoned discourse' quickly.

    Amazing how fragile their world view is; it can't stand contact with reality.

  2. Good points, Bob S. As always, thanks for reading!


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