Watching too many movies

OK, I am going to be forced to call shenanigans on something here. Seems the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership thinks that as opposed to people using guns for self defense, they can all become martial arts masters:

Indviduals with proper self-defense training can put down attackers no matter the size difference, with little to no damage done to the victim. Ask any defensive trainer, or a student of such a trainer...

To put this in perspective, allow me to point out some details from my own martial arts resume:
- 30 years in the martial arts (started 1982).
- 6th Dan (degree black belt) from Martial Arts USA.
- "Renshi" (master) license from Martial Arts USA.
- Black Belt holder in 4 styles: Wado-Ryu Karate, Kenpo Karate, Kenwayoshin Bujutsu, Koshen Jiu-Jitsu.

That out of the way, you should know that I carry a gun. Why?

Because to stop an attacker, one must use sufficient force to motivate the attacker to stop his attack. It is not uncommon for the sufficient level of force to be up to and including unconsciousness or in some cases, death.

Never mind the matter that mastery might take 10 years or more of dedicated training.

Never mind the matter that many handicapped persons might not have the physical ability to attain such a level of proficiency.

Never mind the matter that SIZE DOES MATTER. If it didn't, we would not have weight classes in combat sports (boxing, wrestling, Judo, BJJ, MMA, Muay Thai, etc.)

And something else to ponder: MOST martial arts masters I know are proficient in the use of firearms and carry regularly. Does that tell you something???

Oh, and the Brady person misspelled "individual."



  1. Two years ago my wife had a double mastectomy due to breast cancer; it included reconstruction and the removal of 18 lymph nodes from her right side.

    This was followed by 18 chemo sessions and 33 radiotherapy sessions -- her upper body strength was seriously compromised (to say the least) for many months.

    Operating a fire arm may have injured her but I shudder to think of what trying to go hand to hand against a rapist or mugger would have done to her.

    So Brady Campaign if you want to depend only on unarmed combat - go right ahead but stop trying to push your choices on other people!

  2. God bless your wife. She is the exact type of example these liberal hypocrites (I know, redundant)wish to ignore in their misguided statements.

    Like your wife, my father would fall into this category: missing his right foot and half his left, and blind in one eye, he is not a match for a younger, stronger attacker without his pistol.

    Maybe liberals don't think your wife and my father real people?


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