Predictable idiocy

It was a sad day last week. Moviegoers in a theater in Colorado were gunned down by a lunatic while watching the premier of The Dark Knight Rises.

Of course, within 24 hours, the idiot Bloomberg (I think the man must be a Calvinist, in addition to being a Marxist) came out "challenging" Obama and Romney to get tough on guns.

Yeah, because the guns committed the crimes, and not the person. (yes, this is my "sarcasm font")

I read on an anti-gun blog (no links, they deserve no traffic because they are stupid and just plain wrong) that calls itself "common sense" (ironically ridiculous, huh?)  a bunch of drivel geared around the idea that if the assault weapons ban was in place, then this "would have been prevented."

How about this: if the theater hadn't been a "gun-free" zone, then citizens would have had sidearms and might well have stopped the tragedy much earlier on. 

The anti-gunners will exploit any tragedy such as this to drive home their message. They know that calm, rational people do not wish to be disarmed. And the only way to get public opinion to shift is to take advantage of strong emotion, and make people think they are looking to ban other people from having guns; not themselves.

Fact is, every time, this is what happens:
1. Some criminal commits a crime
2. They want to take guns away from the people who did not commit the crime.

Proof they have an agenda.

Also, it's like putting my son in time out if it was my daughter that misbehaved. Makes no sense!

Archie Bunker asked it best: "Would it make you feel better if they (persons murdered by criminals) were pushed out of windows?"

Nope - then they could not push their anti-gun agenda.

Also of note in all this: even the liberal anti-gunners know full well that Romney enacted gun bans. That's why they are OK with him winning if Obama loses. That is why we cannot vote for Romney. 



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