Monday, July 2, 2012

Predestination is Wrong 3

We have studied the Bible verses. We have talked about how God did not predestine any to Hell (and therefore did not predestine any to Heaven).


God most certainly predestinates events and certainly did predestine to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the World, so that the World, through Him, might be saved. However, God most certainly does not predestinate whom shall be saved. The notion that God determines whom shall be saved is called "unconditional election," and is a false doctrine. Those who would teach it are, by definition, false prophets. To teach false doctrine is, by definition, heresy.

The main, root problem:
The root of the problem with Calvinistic thinking - specifically with the notion that God predetermines who goes to Heaven (and by default, whom goes to Hell) - is pride. These people feel a need to be better than other people in some way and have found no other way to be better. It is a warped way of thinking and it is founded in pride.

In this series, I shall disprove the notion of the predestination of whom shall be saved.

But what about the concept of "The Elect?" Who are the Elect?

Simply put, the "Elect" are the "whosoever" from John 3:16.

Whoever chooses to put their faith in Christ becomes the Elect.
God Elects to save those who freely put their faith in Him.

Adrian Rogers on same.

Dr. J. Vernon McGee on same.

3/8 Written 4/2012


  1. USAGI,

    I'm not sure I agree with your wording. Predestined has very human limitations on it's meaning and scope.

    One of the things I've been grappling with is the timelessness of God. Most people can grasp that He is eternal or that He is Omnipotent but to really understand what that means in terms of time, I didn't get it until recently.

    God is timeless -- every moment, every second, every place, every person happens at the same moment for Him.

    I started thinking about this when I realized that Jesus died on the Cross not just for me -- but for my sins. When it hit me that it wasn't a metaphor, it was stunning. Just died on the cross for the sins I committed yesterday and the ones I'll commit years from now.

    That is only possible if He is a being without time.

    To bring it back around, God doesn't "preselect" anyone -- he is just there at that moment, each and every moment

  2. Bob S, Thank you for your readership.

    I would like to understand what you did not agree with. Perhaps elaboration or clarification is needed?

    Good points about the timelessness of God, as well as the fact that God has never preselected a person for salvation.

  3. The point that I disagree with is the nature or implications of "predestination".

    God doesn't need it because he knows the choices each person will make. And he allows each person to make those choices.

    The fact that He is Timeless means that my birth and my death, all the moments along the way are the same to him. It only appears to be predestination to some -- but He created us to be his companions, not robots. He allows us, roots for us, encourages us to make the right decision each and every time. And we don't, he is there allowing us, rooting for us, encouraging us at the next decision.

    I don't know if this makes sense. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea that each and every decision I've ever have made or will make is NOW to God.

  4. Bob,

    I actually think we are on the same page. I do not believe in predestination. You name one of the specific reasons that I don't: He knows us so well, that He knows what choice we will make.

    That's why He made the gift of salvation so simple. That's why He does 100% of the salvation. All we have to provide is Faith.


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