Movie Review - Prometheus

A few weeks ago, I saw the movie Prometheus. Being a fan of the Alien franchise, it seemed a good fit.

Before I saw it, I read many reviews, some spoilers, and other information on the movie. Generally speaking, the folks that didn't like it or were confused by it were the same people that couldn't take the plot points at face value.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. It had plenty of action, was not at all about the alien Xenomorphs, save a small clip at the end, and it also filled in with enough back-story to keep interesting.

For those out there that disliked the Alien vs Predator line of movies, all I can say is: keep dreaming. This did not at all cap that idea off. Instead, I'd like to know if the Predators actually hunt the Engineers? Makes sense, as the Engineers would be larger, very intelligent, and on par with Predators as far as technology is concerned.

The movie had a few cons to it, a all do. I could have done without the blatant anti-Christian undertones at times. But even some of those were very relevant in the plot. And if people really did get created by these Engineers (I know, it is fiction, but follow with me), then who is to say God didn't first create the Engineers?

I did think it was really cool to see the worms get mutated by the goo, then evolve into a pre-alien reptile, which impregnated a man in a similar fashion to a Xenomorph, then the result was some strange creature. All the while, a man got directly infected with the goo, and then impregnated his wife (literally), and the "baby" was a pre-Xenomorph creature that wound up impregnating an Engineer, from which the Xenomorph came forth.

Seems like that bio-weapon goo was designed to produce Xenomorphs in the end. And stuff that kills things in similar ways along the way.

Pretty cool idea.



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