
Type 1 of the three types of Calvinist - the Indoctrinated. 

I was speaking to a cousin the other day. He will be ordained by the Presbyterian church this August. The topic of Calvinism came up. As a note, for those who do not know, the Presbyterian church was founded on the tenets of Calvinism. It is the only denomination today that fully adheres to the heresy that Calvin laid out. Some Baptist churches do adhere to Calvinism, but they are in the minority by a wide margin.

A summary of what Presbyterians believe, as sent to me by my cousin (no, my cousin is not the author, he just sent me the link).

My cousin did his undergrad work and his seminary work at Moody Bible Institute. I asked questions about how Calvinism was taught, and it was a real eye-opener. From his answers (direct, indirect, implied, and between the lines), one thing became clear: while the coursework acknowledged both predestination and free will, the underlying core belief taught is a subversive form of predestination.

Similarly, my brother-in-law holds the same doctrine, and he did his undergrad work (Bachelors in Bible) from Boyce in Louisville, KY.  My Brother-in-law indicated some time back similar thought processes and teachings from college.

It would appear that the teachings of Bible colleges such as Moody, Boyce, and others, is clearly to teach impressionable young minds the following thought process:
- Man is not capable of doing any good.
- God, therefore, must do all the work.
- Man is even incapable of choosing God.
- Man, therefore, is predestined.

So one distinct type of Calvinist is the indoctrinated Calvinist. 

Side note 1: Calvin on Calvinism
Interestingly, what my cousin stated is officially taught at Moody is that Calvin himself was a 3.5-point Calvinist. I am not sure if this idea holds any truth, as both sides of the debate are easily reachable online via Google searches. Since Calvin gave written answers that would indicate both sides of the coin, but he is no longer living, it is impossible to determine his true stance on the issue.

Side note 2: Free Will
To make possible the assumption that man is incapable of choosing God is to state that there never was a choice. If there is no choice, then why is our action sin? Why are we judged for doing the only thing we are capable of doing? Why does the Bible say differently?

Side note 3: Choice is a works-based salvation
Most Calvinists will argue that if we have choice, then that means salvation is "works-based" (which salvation is clearly not). They will say that the "work" is the choosing. How much of a stretch is this? Look at how much they have to twist words and play verbal gymnastics to accomplish their goal.

Side note 4: other Indoctrinated Calvinists
Included in the "Indoctrinated Calvinist" subset all those church members who were raised this way and never took the time to think it through. Include some of my cousins-in-law (wife's side), my step-mother, and a friend I have here and there. No, the majority of people I know are not Calvinist. I know maybe 20-25 Calvinists, total.

Side note 5: Liberal and Conservative
One of the things my cousin referenced several times was how free will doctrine was "liberal" and how predestination doctrine was "conservative" in churches today. However, the facts do not add up to this. We will expand more in the next article, but simply put:

Liberals deny accountability.
Calvinists say that we cannot help but choose sin, and those saved are done so regardless of their will (no accountability).

Liberals want free hand outs without merit.
While no person deserves salvation, only Calvinists believe in salvation happening without the person even doing something as simple as making a choice.

Liberals want big government to dictate every part of their lives
Calvinists want God to dictate every part of their lives - denying that He gave us free will to choose to do His will. 

It would seem that Calvinists are the liberals of the church.

Next up: the Rebel Calvinist



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