Theistic atheism

OK, you atheists out there, let's hear your answers to this one.

We must start at a point where we can all agree, then work from there.
So let's agree that we exist.

Since we exist, we must then ask where we came from, and that goes beyond mom and dad.

Where did everything come from?

Atheists believe there is no god.
Therefore, a divine creation would be impossible.
Next up for possible explanation would be the Big Bang Theory.
(Why they call it a theory is beyond me as it cannot be proven, and therefore cannot possibly be a theory... but I digress)
So let's get this straight... your best explanation on how everything got here is that something (us, things around us) came from nothing. The nothing exploded somehow and became something.

Now this goes against science as we know it. the laws of physics clearly state that matter and energy cannot be created from nothing.

But an atheist puts that aside, and says it happened at least once.

Even though it will never happen again, and even though nobody saw it, and even though it cannot be duplicated.

That takes a lot of faith, if you ask me. 

Christians believe there is a God. 
We believe He created the Universe and all that is in it.
So let me get this straight:

We believe that everything was created by a master craftsman... and most every person over the age of 6 has seen a person make something.

We believe in things happening as God said they did, and that He made everything... just like we can witness time and again: somebody making something.

They believe that in a special instant, something came from nothing with no apparent reason.

To be fair, their side requires more faith, I believe. It is far less likely.



  1. The idea that the universe was created from nothing is a Christian belief. The best explanation that I've seen for the Big Band can be found in "A Brief History of Time" by Hawking. I'd recommend reading that.

    1. Thank you for reading, David.

      Though Hawking's description of the Big Bang is fascinating, it is easy to tell that he made but one error - one often made by physicists who have an agenda to remove God from our culture - he treated thesis as theory. Because there is no empirical evidence, nor eyewitness account of the Big Bang, it is correctly relegated to thesis status, and cannot, therefore, be elevated to the status of theory.

      That said, it still assumes everything came from nothing. This idea is not held by Christians - as we believe everything came from God.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. If only things that can be witnessed have validity, how do you know everything came from God?

      The Big Bang model suggests that the universe started from a singularity of infinite mass; that's hardly nothing.

      So what did God create the universe out of?

    4. One other comment... There is empirical evidence for the Big Bang model. We can observe changes in the universe and extrapolate them back over time, applying what we know about relativity and quantum physics; that's how Hawking arrived at this views.

      What empirical evidence do you have that God created the universe?

    5. David, Thank you for your continued readership. Answers to your questions/comments in order:

      How do I know things came from God? He said they did. People witnessed that. Good enough for me.

      *One* Big Bang model suggests that the universe started from a singularity of infinite mass... Other Big Bang models do not.
      Where did that mass come from in either event?

      God created the universe out of nothing... or something. Doesn't really matter as He is capable of creating either way. The question you ask is one borne out of a need to prove something due to a specific search to prove all Christians wrong. Faulty premise.

      Extrapolation is not evidence. It is not empirical evidence. It is extrapolation. Sometimes it holds true, sometimes it does not.

      PS - I have a degree in the sciences (Chemistry). Throwing words around doesn't frighten me as I have learned the meanings, and the theses behind them over a span of many years). Just an FYI...

      Empirical evidence that God created the Universe?
      He said so. People witnessed Him saying so. He does not lie. That is empirical.

    6. Actually, that's not. Who witnessed him saying so? How do you know he doesn't lie? Didn't he tell Adam in the Garden of Eden that he couldn't see him at one point? If God is omniscient, isn't that a lie?

    7. Which comment of mine did you remove, and why?

    8. I removed your comment: "If only things that can be witnessed have validity, then how do you everything came from God?" Because it was repeated. No reason to have it in there twice.
      As for why... repetition. Or could go with a simple "it is my blog." Or could go with "adds nothing to the post." Or could be any of a million other things. :)

      Who witnessed God saying He created everything? That would include (among others): Adam, Moses, Jesus. There are many more.

      Perhaps you refer to Genesis 3:9. God says "where are you?" There is no statement by God that He cannot see Adam and Eve.

      So now we have multiple times you have come here, searching for some way to disprove God. Sorry to disappoint. That said, unless you have something to add...

    9. I apologize for the repetition; didn't realize I'd done that.

      Where does the Bible say that Adam, Moses or Jesus witnessed God saying he created the universe?

      Why did God ask Adam where he was?

      That's not God's only moment of dishonesty, even in Genesis. He tells Adam he'll die if he eats from the forbidden tree, but Adam lives for another 900 years. So why should we believe God when he says he created everything? Why should we what the author of Genesis says about God, since no one witnessed the creation?

      As for evidence, I'm confused as to how mathematical extrapolation of observations of the universe back through time are not reliable, whereas unsubstantiated claims made by people thousands of years ago are. Perhaps you could explain that to me.

      Finally, why does it matter where whatever makes up the infinite mass of a singularity comes from, if it doesn't matter where and how God come up with the material to create a universe out of nothing?

    10. God told Adam in the Garden of Eden that He had created everything. God told Moses the same later. That's how Moses was able to write the Pentateuch. In the Gospels, Jesus made numerous indications not only of His Lordship, but also having created all things.

      Why did God ask Adam where he was? You obviously are not a parent. I ask my kids questions all the time the answers to which I know.

      As for extrapolations, they must assume only the conditions present in the evidence gathered. That assumption is wherein error lies. Do research on the scientific method. A lot. Then get back to me with further questions on it. :)

      God created the material ultimately. If you don't believe in God, then there is no explanation for where the matter came from.

    11. Do you have the verses handy? How is such hearsay "empirical?"

      You didn't answer my question about God being dishonest with Adam about dying when he eats the fruit.

      Are you suggesting Hawking isn't using the scientific method? I find that hard to believe. What qualifies you to say that? And why is the Bible more reliable source on cosmology than a decorated expert who has devoted his life to studying it?

      What do mean "God created the material ultimately"? How does that work? An objective explanation wouldn't depend on my beliefs.

    12. One more for you, my friend.

      God was never dishonest with Adam, or anybody else. It is clear you've never read the first few chapters of Genesis. You must be getting your "information" from one of those atheistic websites that likes to misquote the Bible more than Calvinists do.

      As for the verses, again, it is clear you've never read the Bible you like to criticize so much. When you have read it, I'll entertain further questions from you on it.

      You are putting "words in my mouth" with regards to Hawking. You know it. Because this is my blog, and only your agenda, I get the final say, and I say get real.

      So, unless you have something to contribute, this will be the last you get to talk on this topic. Again, thank you for your readership. I suggest if you wish to attempt criticism, you'll appear much less of a fool if you actually take a moment to learn about what you wish to criticize.

      Peace be on you and your family. :)

    13. Thank you for conceding that you have no answers to my questions. I'll thank you to keep your mouth shut about atheists until you. Bye now.

    14. And for the record, this is a concession.

      A concession that you love and want God, but are afraid to admit it. You want to believe you are better than somebody else simply because of your beliefs. You fall into the same trap the Calvinists do: "I believe XYZ, so therefore, I am superior to you..."

      This is a concession that there but by the grace of God go I. I am not better than you, nor would ever claim it. The only difference, to the extent there is one, is that I am forgiven by God. That came not through anything I did, but what He did. I simply asked.

      You can ask, too. But it requires you put away your pride for a moment.

      And of all things, that is the one thing an atheist can never stand to do.

  2. I think I may have made a typo there. If I wrote Big Band, it should be Big Bang; I'm currently watching "The Benny Goodman Story."

    1. Haven't seen it. Would you recommend?

    2. The music's amazing; the plot and acting are not stellar. Still worth a look if you like swing music.

    3. Not a fan of swing music, but still might have to give it a shot.


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