Shocking, I know

From Matthew 23:
“How terrible it will be for you legal experts and Pharisees! Hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs. They look beautiful on the outside. But inside they are full of dead bones and all kinds of filth."

Most people (me included) find the people that use their hypocrisy to put others down, to be quite odd. This oddball bunch imagine themselves religiously superior, or intellectually superior, or maybe even superior by the mythical notion of unconditional election. Many people who do this use "religion" as their tool.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ spoke about just such a type.

I find the people who are like this fascinating. They are a group very small in number and they take such weird turns in life. They do everything so they can gain attention for themselves. They might even be quite adept at quoting scripture... usually twisting it to fit their own agenda. They accuse others of things they themselves are guilty of. As always, they lose the conflict - they lost it before they ever started it. 

And in the end, the just come across as pathetic with their self-absorbed pleas for attention.

They don't even get to go out with a bang... just a pitiful whimper.



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