Adult Bullies

From this link:

This situation doesn’t end in junior high or high school. The social bully, being even more emboldened, proceeds through life pushing people around caring nothing for others. And why should they care? The good citizens, those with families and careers, have been taught by example that they are ones with everything to lose. Hell, so-called safety experts offer advice to just “give them what they want” and “don’t fight back”.
The social bully is dangerous because he or she looks just like your neighbor across the street. They don’t wear ski-masks and hide near the ATM. The social bully is in the restaurant, the movie theater, and the grocery store. Because the social bully doesn’t fit the pre-existing villain stereotype, he/she often is able to attack before the good citizen realizes what is happening.

Beware. That internet coward you come across might just "snap." That person that thinks you cut them off might follow you.

Folks, self defense is a mindset. It is not paranoia - it is being aware of one's surroundings: particularly the behavior of others. 



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