On learning

Some people learn best visually. Some learn best through auditory stimulus. Some people learn in a more tactile way.

Some people learn best while watching or hearing. Some people learn best by doing the new activity. Some people learn best by learning theory.

Some people just have a hard time grasping certain concepts.

When I teach jiu-jitsu, one of the most fundamental principles is to try to avoid relying on strength. For men, however, this can prove a difficult lesson, as American males learn from an early age to do things "harder, faster, stronger!" When things "click," however, and they get it, they learn so much faster. The use of technique in place of strength lends to more effective learning.

When sparring with a person like this, I will intentionally dominate them. At first, they may "get" a good position (strictly because I allowed them to have it). But my escape and counter becomes inevitable. Then I take a dominant position. Then I decide how to win and do so in a slow and methodical manner - not relying on strength. The idea is to show them and others what they should be looking to do.

Another benefit of sparring this way is to leave the student with the concept that what they are currently doing is totally wrong - without being so rude as to come out and say it that way.

I like to do the same with this blog. Over the years, what I say has been controversial. Some things have even hurt the feelings of others - but what I say has needed to be said in every case. Now, from time to time, people sit safely behind their computer, and feel free to engage in odd behavior. From time to time, I like to "play" with them in a manner that is much the same as what I just described with my martial arts students.

Make no mistake, if such a person were to show up at my house looking for confrontation, the outcome would be no different than what I just described.

But people who engage in really odd behavior - particularly the ones who adopt stalker-ish behavior with respect to this blog - are not the types of people who would actually take the time to improve their own lives through the martial arts or a similar endeavor. People like this REQUIRE the safety of their computer screen to accomplish the "bold" things they do online.

So I like to "have fun" with them. I enjoy moving blog posts. Putting up similar posts with different verbage. Checking out their blogs (and often leaving nice, civil, normal responses to their topics, of course), if they have one. Anything that would show them that their tactics are ineffective is fair game.

It really is similar to a cat and a ball of yarn - only one side has fun and wins, and the other party is left tangled up in knots because of the way they are.



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