Good Friday

Today is Good Friday.

Some remember it because they get a day off of work or school. And that's OK.
Some remember the sacrifice Jesus made some 2000 years ago. And that's fine, too.
Some do not remember it at all. And that, too, is all right.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. And let's be clear, Easter is not about a bunny. That said, the concept of the Easter Bunny is as harmless as Santa Claus or any other mythical character. Easter is the day Christ rose again, completing his dominion over death and fulfilling prophesy and scripture pertaining to the Messiah.

This Sunday, church will be packed. I generally do not like the crowd, but I understand the purpose it serves. Many people only go to church on Christmas and / or Easter. I'd say the ones that only go on Easter are usually Christian, and feel bad about not attending more frequently. They do not understand that attending church does not make one Christian.

Being Christian is simple - have you asked for Christ's forgiveness of your sins?

To do so is to proverbially "get your heart right with God."

Wearing one's religion on one's sleeve is not Christianity. In fact, I am wary of these people, as they often have something to hide. Usually their own dark agenda. Some use religion to bully others. Some use it to promote themselves. Some use it to steal. Some use it to kill. Whatever the misuse, religion is not Christianity, and Christianity is not religion.

"When people lead in with their 'Christianity' it scares the hell out of me. These people wish to convolute, and prey on others, and they use pseudo-religion to do it."
- A. Meldrum

Simply put: 
Religion is man's way to God.
Christianity is God's way to man.

That said, the Great Commission (as it is often called) was given, and Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. Note: Jesus did not say to go into all the world and beat people over the head with the gospel. There is a difference.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
So my suggestion to those out there "playing Christian" and using religion to further their own agendas? I don't really have one. I cannot claim to understand that mindset. It is unimaginable to me to claim that anything I wrote about would be akin to hearing God speak. To claim as much would be  arrogance. Because I cannot understand the mindframe of a person who would make such claims or hold such views, I cannot give good suggestion on how to get out of it. Perhaps people like this should do as they claim and actually try putting God first?

The Good News is just that. Good News. We, as sinners, can all be saved. We simply have to ask for and accept the Free Gift of God. The Bible does not exclude any sin: lying, stealing, killing, adultery, and the list goes on. Even false prophets can be saved. The only ones who will not be saved are those that reject Christ by never asking His forgiveness. 

Heck, one can be saved, then afterwards commit all manner of evil, and not lose that salvation. Because Christ's gift is perfect - it is forgiveness of sin: past, present, and future. God doesn't do things halfway. One can even be saved and then get one's mind twisted into believing outright heresy, and not lose that salvation.

That's how much Christ Jesus loves us. He showed that on a Good Friday all those years ago when He died for our sins. And that's what Good Friday means to me. 



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