Chicken or Egg?

From the Examiner:

There is a disturbing trend in the hiring front. Not only in Nashville, but nationwide. In the author's opinion, this stems from companies that have been disloyal to their employees, and engaged in irresponsible hiring and firing; causing an overall reduction in average workforce tenure.

Companies have come to realize that people who stick with a job are more likely to be quality employees. BUT - and this is a big "But" - it is the actions of the companies themselves that has created the dilemma of a more transient workforce!

Nevertheless, most companies persist in wanting long-tenured employees. But fewer and fewer applicants have the required tenure - often, due to no fault of their own.

Some applicants have resorted to misrepresenting their tenure on their resume, and perhaps even during interviews, in an effort to simply get a legitimate shot at a job they are more than capable of performing.

This leads to a dilemma itself: while lying (or even stretching the truth) is certainly not acceptable, neither is it acceptable for a company to have standards that exceed reality. Particularly when that particular company has contributed to reduced tenure issues in the job market!

An applicant should never misrepresent himself / herself: either in an interview, or on paper. Ideally, a company should not, either. However, an applicant can only control his/her own actions, and cannot control the misrepresentations the company makes. If enough applicants refuse to work for dishonest companies, then the companies will be forced to change their policies!



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