What it takes to get a gun

I get this question a lot from friends, family, and even neighbors.

"What does it take to get a gun?"

Well, that depends on where you are. In Washington, DC, it takes quite a bit. Emily, here, documented her trials and tribulations in legally purchasing a firearm in the nation's Capital. And here is a video of her finally getting to shoot it.

Here in my home state of Tennessee, it is quite a bit simpler. To purchase a gun from a licensed dealer, the process is simple:
- Select your gun.
- Fill out form 4473.
- Background check (performed by the dealer. Usually costs $10 in advance).
- Give the dealer money for the gun when (if?) you pass the background check.
- Take your new gun home.

There is no registration in TN. There is no permit required for the purchase of a firearm.

But what is a permit for?
Simple - a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit allows the holder to carry a loaded handgun on his person in public. This includes transporting a loaded gun in the car (rifles and shotguns may not have a live round in the chamber).

Most states have similar purchasing to Tennessee. A few have required ID cards, or similar. A very few have registration of the firearm. Most states also have a carry permit system - only IL has no permit to carry provisions for citizens (subjects?).



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