Some people refuse to get it

So a few years ago, my brother is interviewing for a job.

Recruiter: "Your resume says you live in Hendersonville. We are in Cool Springs. That's a long drive.

Brother: "About 35 minutes' drive. I drive it every morning. I currently work across the street from where we are."

2 minutes later

Recruiter: "It's really bothering me that you live in Hendersonville. That's such a long drive!" I know you think you can do it, but it can get old quick!"

Brother: "It really is not a problem. I've driven it for three years now. I work right over there in Building C - in the same place where this very building is 'A'."

5 minutes later

Recruiter: "I'm just going to wrap this up. I'm afraid we are just too far away form your home for this to work. I thank you for your time, though..."

Brother: << walks over to window, pulls curtain aside, points at building >> "Third floor, second window from the right. That's my office. Has been for three years. Are you really that stupid?"



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