Liberal mindsets

I've observed liberals for a very long time. As such, several main mindsets keep repeating themselves.

Entitlement mentality:
This is by far the most common mentality. I've met only a very few liberals that did not express it. The sense of wanting what someone else earned is strong in them.

Also included in this mindset is the attitude of greed and/or envy.

Class warfare is a common technique, and a common rallying cry.

Double standards:
Liberals abide by a set of double standards. Something they want to prevent you from having, they feel they should still be able to have. In other words, they feel they shouldn't have to abide by the same set of rules.

Lack of forethought:
This is the one that gets me. Many liberal ideas are not, in themselves, necessarily bad. However, liberals often fail to see (or outright ignore) the logical outcome.

Feel, don't think:
Liberals often prefer to feel about something rather than thinking about it. That's fine, but then they try to back-fill logical reasons. Many times, it looks like they completely are off their rocker with such poor logic.

In arguments / debates:
Because the logic is not there, when debating a conservative who uses logic, the liberal will quickly run out of options and emotions to talk about. That's when it starts: the liberal counter-argument to nowhere. They use the following tactics:
- Lie
- Deny
- Make counter accusations.
Beware! Most of the counter accusations will be true of the liberal himself. See: Projection



  1. True on all counts, except I would add one very important part of the liberal mindset: paternalism. Liberals genuinely believe themselves intellectually and morally superior to non-liberals, and therefore embody the insatiable desire to micro-manage the lives of others. You see, to your average liberal, non-liberals are by their nature ignorant and therefore need liberals to govern their affairs and help them get through the rigors of life.

    For example, you've got Michelle Obama telling everyone what to eat, while she apparently eats whatever she wants.

    You've got Barack Obama talking about shared sacrifice and telling us not to go to Las Vegas, while he and Michelle jet-set across the globe at taxpayer expense.

    You've got Al Gore and the global warming hucksters telling us what to drive and demanding that we reduce our lifestyles, all the while he lives extravagantly.

    And wait until ObamaCare manifests itself. You haven't seen paternalizing until they start governing every breath we take and every morsel we eat.

    All this seques back to your point about the left's "do as I say, not as I do" approach, as well as your point that liberals are often guilty of the very things they accuse of others. You see, they lambaste the religious right for wanting to stick their noses into everyone's business, but this is just liberal projection. In reality, it's part of the liberal psyche to tell everyone else how they must live.

  2. Thanks for reading. Which is funny to say as you are the one who inspired me to blog. And you are my first reader. Still, I'm thankful.

    Good points. All of them. Maybe you should blog, too?


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