Chronically unmarried

Just putting some thoughts down about observations I've made over the past few years. My sister and I were discussing this about a mutual acquaintance, but these observations have been made in many others as well.

It is a well discussed case that chronically unmarried women over the age of 30, are not married for a reason. Usually because there is something about them that makes them undesirable for  Beta males, much less the Alpha males.

I am going to talk about chronically unmarried women. These are women over the age of 30, broadly speaking, who have not been married, or are not married any more after a short failed marriage (or two... or three... or more!) while they were still in their twenties.
Naturally, these observations may not hold true for gay women (lesbians) who are prohibited by law from marriage in most states.
Nor would these things be true of a woman who had a longer marriage (3 years or more, usually) even if it did end in divorce.
Naturally, these observations might not be true in the case of a young widow, either.
Also, these observations may not be true for a chronically unmarried female who is morbidly obese. As much as people might not want it to be the case, looks matter. 

Clarifications out of the way, lets offend some people:

Chronically unmarried women are almost always very liberal. 
Specifically, they seem to be wanting a handout in life. You see things like continuous complaints of lack of child support if they have children.

Chronically unmarried women are almost always very selfish.
Their first thought is of themselves. Their second thought is of themselves. They relate everything back to themselves.

Chronically unmarried women and jobs:
Some cannot hold a job. Some have had stable careers. Broadly speaking, the ones who stay with a job fall into one of two broad categories:
A) those who can sleep their way to the top (i.e. - many sales jobs);
B) those that hold state jobs such as teachers or working for the government directly (hard to get fired from these jobs, so performance doesn't matter).

The problems:
Because chronically unmarried women are selfish to the point of repelling males, they often wind up turning bitter. In this category, you might also find married women who were forced to marry Beta Males and resent that fact.

Also, chronically unmarried women are also often quite rebellious. They often keep rebelling against parental advice even beyond the time when they are under parental care.

Chronically unmarried women often have self destructive tendencies beyond simple rebellion and selfishness.

Chronically unmarried women have a tendency toward the "why me" mindset. They do not or cannot comprehend that it is their own actions that make them unmarriageable. They learn to place blame very well.

more to come...



  1. Mrs. Usagi weighed in:
    "I saw a FB post by one of the women you mention where she and her friends were trashing you, your sister, and even me by extension. So it got me is so much easier for a woman to be woman's liber when she is single and thinks she is alone and has to conquer the world by herself.
    Secondly since "we" have allowed the government programs to become so big- have we tied God's hands and said thanks but you can be excused we don't need you anymore. Because when we allow the government to care for people in need we take the responsibility off of the person to rely on God to meet the need. We also take the responsibility off our christian shoulders because then we don't have to seek after the opportunities that God puts in our path to help others and thus show the love of God to that person and the world. "

  2. You put way more thought into it than I ever have :) Surprisingly we know of one (two actually, mother and daughter), and don't you dare get my wife started on their shenanigans and what not! Heck, I won't go in the house if I can avoid it, let alone be near them.

    I do find your observations pretty spot on though.


    1. Mark,

      Thank you for reading the blog. Good to see you on here - though it can get confusing, because my brother-in-law and my Sunday School teacher both share your name and read this blog too! :)

      As for putting thought into it, and being "spot on" - I make it a point to think twice, post once.


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