A Bit on Adult Behavior

So far, most of my behavior topics have related to children. Let me shift gears here, and talk about adult behavior problems.

The most common one I see is projection. Simply put, projection is when a person is guilty of something himself, but blames others of being guilty of it instead. Liberals often fall into this category.

Another common problem I see is when people seek to place blame. People like this find it easier to blame someone or something else, than to live up to the consequences of their own actions.

A third problem one often sees in our society, and one that is intermingled with the first two, is the act of being accusatory. Some people accuse others - particularly in an attempt to assign blame, or sometimes out of a case of projection.

Another huge problem is cases of bullying. Generally speaking, people who bully others do so to seek negative attention and to gain control. Frequently, bullies are also products of bullying. Here's a link on Adult Bully behavior.  Here's one on Child Bully behavior. There are some perceptible differences.

Now, of course, there are the run-of-the-mill problems out there like selfishness, greed, insecurity, and others. But the ones that really stand out more than the rest, to me, are the three listed above.


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