Let's straighten up some things

Recently, I had a conversation with a conservative friend who happens to be a devout Ron Paul supporter. He has lashed out at Herman Cain of all people lately.

This friend, and a very select few others, have accused Herman Cain of being against the constitution, lies, and other outright fallacies. Their arguments are the same ones used by the liberal left against Mr. Cain. So let's set the record straight - no partial clips, no fragments of what was said - but the whole story.

2nd Amendment
Some accuse Cain of being dodgy on the Second Amendment. They will use this clip as their "proof." 
The question was "do you support state's rights to regulate firearms?"
Mr. Cain responds that this is a loaded question - because it is. If Cain states "yes," then the conservative radicals can label him as anti-2A. If Cain had answered "no," then the same people would scream about Cain not caring about states' rights.
Here is Cain on the issue.
And again.
No editorial cuts, no trick questions, no gimmicks.

On the Federal Reserve
Some accuse Cain of calling Ron Paul supporters "ignorant" when it comes to his (Cain's) comments on the Federal Reserve. They will point to this clip of Cain talking about the Federal Reserve when he (Cain) was subbing for Neal Boortz. However, if they would listen to the WHOLE clip (not just the part they WANT to hear), then they would hear this:
"I think a lot of people are calling for this audit of the Federal Reserve because they don't know enough about it."
First things first. Fact is, that statement is entirely true.

Second thing to consider - who would audit the Federal Reserve? Answer: the Federal Government. Do you really think the government is going to conduct a fair audit? And even if they did, who would do something about the findings? Oh,  that's right - Congress.

Third thing - do you really think that Congress, or the Senate, would vote to end the Federal Reserve? That very thing that gives the US Government the power it has?
Answer: NO. The Congress would never vote down the Federal Reserve. Neither would the Senate. And the President cannot shut it down via executive order.

Summary - this is an "issue" manufactured by the liberal left and the Ron Paul supporters, in hopes of degrading Herman Cain's public, conservative image.

There are those that claim that Herman Cain's "999" plan is by its very existence, against the grain of a pledge he (Cain) signed, promising not to raise taxes nor impose new taxes.

Of all the bogus claims out there, this one steals the show for most far-reaching. The 999 plan is a plan to completely overhaul the current tax system, taking out ALL current taxes, and replace them with the "999." That would be:
- 9% personal income tax.
- 9% corporate income tax.
- 9% national sales tax.

Fact is that the 999 plan is a step from our current, broken tax system, in the direction of a fair tax. 

The one little fact:
All the Ron Paul supporters like to hate on career politicians, and corrupt government, and they ignore both sides of one little fact:
- Ron Paul is a 10-term Congressman. Check out the earmarks he's asked for.
- Herman Cain has never held elected office.


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