The Anti's are everywhere

A few days ago, I purchased a Marlin 60 which turned out to be somewhat defective. Marlin, being the upstanding company they are, send me a shipping label to return the rifle to one of their repair facilities.

Today, I took the boxed rifle to the local UPS hub to ship. This is the same location I shipped the Sig Mosquito from earlier this summer for warranty repairs.

The poor little guy behind the counter looked at me like he saw a ghost when I stated I was there to ship this box and needed to declare it as a firearm.

He first stated UPS did not ship firearms.

I calmly reminded him that UPS most certainly does, as this was a warranty repair, and I have shipped firearms from that very hub before.

He then said it was not legal to ship a firearm through UPS to a person.

I calmly pointed out that I was shipping it back to the manufacturer for repairs... not to an individual.

He looked at me crooked, then started examining the package and label. After a moment, he looked like he had found something. He advised me they could not ship the firearm since it did not have a part on the label stating "requires adult signature."

I advised him that if he scanned the label, he would see that the manufacturer sent this label, will sign for it, and everything will be just fine. He refused to do that.

I asked to speak to his supervisor... whom he told in advance about the needing a "requires adult signature" BS.

The supervisor repeated the BS to me.

I called Marlin, to see if they could send an amended UPS label that would satisfy the brain-dead clerk in front of me. The guy at Marlin advised that UPS would indeed take it, and gave me some interstate commerce verbage to use with them.

This worked a bit, until the idiot clerk decided to call his hazmat (hazardous materials) department, and his supervisor, and spew the same BS about needing "requires adult signature" on the label. Never once did doodle-britches or his supervisor scan the label to see if it was indeed a "requires adult signature" type of label.

They had me call Marlin again... which I did. I was more than a bit frustrated at this point, and at several times in my conversation with the Marlin representative, I used my conversation to take a dig at the jerk-wad behind the counter:

Some of my pointed statements:
"Yes, ma'am," (to the Marlin rep, but said in a way that the UPS "clerk" could easily hear, "he said they need that on the label. If you ask me, the guy is anti-gun, and trying to push his agenda on the rest of us." I said.

"No, ma'am, it is clear this guy doesn't know how to do his job, you are right, I should speak with his supervisor."

"Sir, please stop speaking for just one moment so you can learn something for the first time in fifteen years," (said to the clerk as he wouldn't shut up for a moment for me to explain things to him - like the fact that Marlin, part of the Remington Firearms group, has a national agreement with UPS and does this every day).

"Sir, and who is your supervisor?" (To the "supervisor" on the phone). Surprisingly, he stumbled and couldn't remember the supervisor's name. I reminded him how to remember it: "He is the guy who approves your time sheet, and whom you ask for time off."

Final conversation:
Doodle-britches gets a call, looks resigned, then says "OK," to the caller. He then makes his way back to the counter, and says to me "we will take it this time, but in the future, you will need a 'requires adult signature' part on the label."

My response: "Thank you. I see your supervisor learned he was wrong, corrected you, and you, in your last-ditch effort to maintain the power-trip you've been on for 35 minutes, had to say it that way so you could have the last word. But I understand. You haven't been at this location and in this position long, and you were transferred here because you couldn't hack it elsewhere in UPS, and you are about to get fired more than likely. See, if you would adopt a customer-friendly attitude, UPS would value you as an employee more, and you wouldn't be worrying about where the money to feed your family is coming from nest month."

I made sure he scanned it in, got my part of the label, and the shipping receipt, and left after that.

I do not think UPS as a whole is anti-gun, just this one idiot.


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