Funny how these things work out...

Two years ago, I attended an Appleseed shoot. I learned a lot about what to do, and what not to do. I posted my thoughts - here and on several forums online.

The response from the Appleseed crowd, upon witnessing print that did something other than worship their program, was interesting to say the least. At the time, I wrote what I saw as strengths, and weaknesses of the program. I also made predictions, here and on other forums. Sadly, some of those predictions are coming true.

In short, recently in IL, many Appleseed instructors were dismissed. They had been teaching in more efficient ways, which the organization's founder and leader, "Fred" (Jack Dailey), did not approve. This almost happened back in March, and I was made aware at that time. Well, "Fred" and the folks from IL came to an agreement, and all seemed well in their world... but as is often the case, there was deep-rooted resentment.

In August, "Fred" decided to pull the trigger. Instructors were dismissed. They have reorganized and formed a new association - the United States Rifleman's Association. I wish this new group all the success in the world, and have pledged my efforts to make it so.


  1. Usagi, I've read this and your take on Appleseed is incredible. I have witnessed from the inside out, all the turmoil. I've watched Fred rip his own heart out in Illinois.

    When I first came across your comments two years ago, I was angry like so many others. But it seems you were prophetic.

  2. And you might want to know, they are doing it again. Right now. I'd bet your blog here is getting a lot of traffic from the people who are getting the boot.

    The Appleseed people think you hate them. What they don't get is that you didn't hate them, you saw what needed fixing and you suggested they fix it.

  3. And again! This time Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio have rebelled against the King - or been put in "timeout" for questioning.


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