Playing the AQT Game

So you want to go to Appleseed and get the coveted Rifleman patch?

Fine goal. To do so, there are a couple of methods that can give you better than average odds:
A) Be an accomplished NRA highpower shooter.
B) Prepare properly.

Since NRA highpower is a relatively unique discipline, and since not that many shooters ever really compete in it, much less get pretty good at it, I'll assume you found this blog post because you intend to do (B) from above and prepare properly.

There are a couple of things you need to know before we begin.
First - the AQT is a game. To win the prize, it is best to play the game well.
Second - Playing the game well means proper equipment, proper preparation, and proper motivation. If you cannot commit to any of these, you cannot get a patch, plain and simple.


There are several things you will need. Some are not mandatory, but strongly encouraged. If you go without too many of the strongly encouraged items, expect your scores to suffer.

1. Rifle

Ideal rifle for shooting the AQT is a Ruger 10/22, properly modified.
- Trigger modification - mandatory
- Automatic bolt-release - mandatory
- Sling (USGI style sling) and swivel studs - mandatory
- Tech-Sights or scope - mandatory
- 4 Magazines (10-round rotary) - mandatory

- Scope strongly suggested over Tech-Sights

Alternate .22LR caliber rifles:
- Marlin 795 (with Tech-Sights/scope, sling, extra mags, and a trigger job)
- Marlin 60 (with Tech-Sights/scope, sling, and a trigger job)
- Remington 597 (with Tech-Sights/scope, sling, and extra magazines)

Ideal centerfire rifle for shooting the AQT is an AR15:
- Match trigger - strongly suggested
- 20" Heavy barrel - strongly suggested
- Free-floated barrel - strongly suggested
- Scope - strongly suggested
- USGI sling - mandatory
- 4 Extra magazines - mandatory

Alternate Centerfire rifles:
- AR15 not matching the above description
- M1A
- M1 (Garand)

 It goes without saying that bringing decent ammo is as essential as bringing the correct rifle.

It also goes without saying that you should sight your rifle in at 25 yards prior to the event. Sight in with the same ammo you intend to use. 

Because Appleseed teaches sport-shooting with a sling, it goes without saying that a USGI or leather sling is mandatory equipment for the rifle.  

2. Shooting Jacket

A good shooting jacket is essential. You can "make do" with elbow pads and long sleeves, but why handicap yourself? Get a good shooting jacket from Mark and Mary at Made by Mcron.

3. Shooting Mat

Essential, and cheap. A simply foam exercise mat from Wal Mart will do just fine here for well under $10.

4. Notebook

You must take notes to be serious about improvement.

5. Sight adjustment tools.


Let's go into detail here. You will have an opportunity to learn how to shoot from "field positions" at an Appleseed, but a wise man takes his own education into his own hands. In other words, learn beforehand, fine tune with a coach present.

As an alternate way to look at it, I must point out that at my first Appleseed, an instructor actually gave me and others some very incorrect advice with regards to the building of a proper prone position. In other words - Appleseed instructors are human, too, and can (and do) make mistakes.

1. Positions
Look here at some proper shooting positions. These will differ slightly from orthodox Appleseed instruction, but in the end, these positions are more correct for precision shooting.
Prone - from the USAMU (US Army Marksmanship Unit) 
Sitting - from the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program)
Standing - from the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program)

Practice getting into and out of each position.

Practice staying in each position for extended periods of time.

2. Magazine changes
Also, practice mag changes. On stage 2, the sitting stage, a mag change is had after 2 rounds are fired. Same in stage 3, except the shooting and mag change is from prone position.

3. Sling
Suggestions for sling use:
Since Appleseed allows sling use in all three positions (CMP and NRA highpower shooting only allow sling use in sitting and prone), use a loop sling for all positions if possible. If loop sling is not helping your standing position, change to a hasty sling.

Practice putting on the sling over and over. 

Here is a tutorial on putting on a USGI web sling.

Here is a tutorial on putting on a leather (1907) sling. 

4. Shooting. 
When you can shoot these goals, you are going to easily take home a Rifleman patch:
Standing - when you can consistently put 4 or 5 rounds, out of 5, into a 5" target at 25 yards.
Sitting - when you can consistently put 4 or 5 rounds out of 5 into a 3" target at 25 yards.
Prone - when you can consistently put 4 or 5 rounds out of 5 into a 1" target at 25 yards. 



  1. Thanks, very good list of recommendation and upgrades for the rifle.


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