How to arm bar

In a previous article, I discussed juji gatame - the arm bar. Let's talk about how to apply the arm bar.

First things first, juji gatame can be applied from many positions. It can be applied form transitions, as well. As always, an alert student will be looking for an indicator - something that the opponent does that signifies an arm bar can applied. Generally speaking, this is the case when the elbow comes free from the body with enough separation.

Now we have to get into position:
- Secure the opponent's arm above the elbow.
- Shift hips to prepare to move leg.
- Move leg over opponent's head.
- Final hip shift(s) and adjustment to get into position.

Next, we have to secure the arm:
- Keeping opponent's arm secured above the elbow, glue opponent's elbow to your chest.
- Use any of a number of arm peeling techniques to break whatever grip the opponent uses.
- Arch back to straighten arm.

Now, we apply pressure:
- Make sure opponent's thumb is pointing away from your chest.
- Squeeze knees together.
- Press down on opponent's head with your leg.
- Glue opponent's wrist to your chest.
- Lift hips slowly.

It really is that simple. Practice!



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