A sad story

Last Sunday, I was called on to substitute teach my Sunday School class. The general lesson was about "crime and punishment." Specifically, I delved into decision making as a major influence in people's lives.

In research for the lesson, I was reminded of poor decision making on the part of a friend I knew in High School. The story goes like this:

My friend, Jeremy, is approached by a co-worker, Amy. Amy is looking for someone who can do a murder for hire. Amy has fallen in love with the owner of the restaurant, Dr. Jorge Sanjines. Dr. Sanjines' wife has been cheating on him, and in return, the doctor started a relationship with Amy.

Amy and Dr. Sanjines are getting serious, and the doctor figures that if a burglar was to break into his house, and shoot his wife and her boyfriend (Mr. Schrag), then the problem would be solved. To do that, he needs to contact someone who will do the hit.

Amy asks around, and Jeremy tells her he knows of someone who had done something similar recently. In the end, $10,000 was paid to Jeremy from Dr. Sanjines - through Amy.

Jeremy used a .22 caliber handgun to kill Mr. Schrag, and he severely wounded Mrs. Sanjines. She had a bullet lodged in the base of her skull, and was thereby rendered quadriplegic.

Jeremy sits in jail to this day, serving his life sentence. Back in the early 1990's, I visited twice, but soon after, he shut off all communication with former friends and classmates. Some of my other classmates were a bit harsh on him. He deserved it, I just didn't act that way towards him.

Here's some court documents from the case. Not much else can be found these days:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4


  1. Fact checking would be helpful when trying to accurately tell a true story. Ultimately this helps deliver the lesson in a more powerful and effective way

  2. Not sure which fact you are calling into question. See the links below - every part of the story here comes from court records.


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