Funny story from a while back

I get this message some time ago, from a recruiter who is trying to fill a sales position:
"[Usagi], your resume tells nothing about what you've sold."

My response:
"True. That's because it tells you how well I've sold."

His reply:
"That's irrelevant. What employers need to see is what you've done."

My response:
"What you fail to see is that my resume shows exactly what I've done. My performance compared to quota is listed for every year I've been in sales."

His remark:
"But what have you sold?"

My response:
"Financial services, insurance. But what's more important is that I've always been at or above quota. That would be true regardless of product/service sold."

His final reply:
"Sorry, not a fit for my client. I'd suggest you change your resume. Not all recruiters and hiring managers would take the time to call with your layout."

My final response:
"Thanks for the advice. Duly noted. With the current format, I'm getting calls from over 90% of the positions I apply to. What changes would you make to increase those odds?"

There was no reply. He was shown to be the "jackwagon" he was.

For those interested, in sales, there is a resume format that will get you noticed by a lot of hiring managers. I'll gladly share it, if you email and ask nicely!


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