So much fail - just one thread!

From this thread, MCKNBRD gives several bad suggestions.

He starts out by saying:
" It amazes me how many experienced high-power shooters are humbled by the lowly AQT"
Fact is,  High Power is where Fred's AQT started from.
Also, it is well known that when actual HP shooters attend, they often shoot better than the instructors, despite occasionally using slightly different techniques.

He continues with inaccuracy:
"We highly discourage their [bipods'] use, as the loop sling is actually more stable in prone..."
Fact is, bipods are much more stable.  Every Appleseeder I've talked to picks up 20 points or more on their AQT's when using a bipod.

He adds to the lunacy:
"Scopes are allowed, but they tend to be a hindrance to novice shooters..."
Fact is, most shooters who earn the Rifleman patch do so with a scope. Sounds opposite of what he's saying, doesn't it?

He gets ridiculous:
"When you sling up, if you do it properly, you'll have a decent amount of tension on the sling; it is the single best reason TO sling up."
Problem is well documented on this blog - the proper use of a sling is just taut. Over-tightening is a great way to force the shooter into muscling the shot. Not good. 

This is not an attack on MCKNRD, who goes by "Byrdman" on the AS forums. This is an example of how many AS instructors are not taught correctly, and pass on incorrect information.


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