Liberals don't always know what to ban

These have got to be the two funniest quotes on guns by liberals that I've ever seen. I know I've posted them before, but they are worth repeating. People who wish to ban something should at least understand the fundamentals of that which they wish to ban.

Case 1
In this clip, Representative Carolyn McCarthy wishes to ban barrel shrouds.
Remember, barrel shrouds are the forward handgrips.
These keep the shooter's hand from getting overheated when the barrel heats up.

McCarthy suggests that a barrel shroud is "the shoulder thing that goes up."

Case 2

Patricia Eddington appears (oddly enough, with Carolyn McCarthy) in this clip, speaking out against .50 caliber rifles, and against tracer ammunition. She makes two errant claims about tracer ammunition:
First, she says it makes the bullet heat-seeking. This is a really strange claim.
Second, she says it would cook a deer as it passed through one. Again, very odd.

Tracer ammunition is designed to burn brightly, so the shooter can clearly see the bullet path. The fire from it is certainly not large enough to cook any meat as it passes through. And the concept of it being heat-seeking is quite far-fetched.

I can say that there is a certain risk with tracer ammunition. In extremely dry environments, tracers have been known to spark fires in dry brush. This is certainly not worth banning - just hold idiots responsible for arson who ignore this fact. We have enough laws in place already to deal with possible outcomes.

Just in case you want to know where your Congress-Critter stands on the issue:

Here's a link to the 20 best gun rights advocates.
(not surprisingly, all are Republicans - most from the South and Midwest)

Here's a link to the 20 worst - who wish to control you and others.
(not surprisingly, all are Democrats - most from NY and CA)

Oh, and who ever said the 2nd amendment was about hunting deer? It's not. Though that is a nice little side effect we can enjoy from it.


  1. That is hilarious. As a group, liberals are some of the most uninformed/poorly informed/misinformed people I know.

  2. As President Reagan once said - it's not that they are ignorant. It is that they know so much that just isn't so.


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