Snow Time

Yesterday, it snowed hereabouts. The snow did not start sticking to the streets until around 4 pm. I was working my part time gig at Target. I asked the boss if I could leave early. Permission was denied. So I walked home after driving to certain areas, and seeing roads blocked off and realizing I wasn't driving home, I decided to walk home. Some things I witnessed:

At least a dozen cars and trucks in ditches. I walked home, so mine wasn't one of them.

As I walked home, I passed several vehicles that were having great difficulty getting to where they wanted to go. Including a 4WD truck.

I was proud of myself for walking 5.76 miles (according to Mapquest) in just over 2 hours in the snow and ice.

I always keep extra clothes, boots, and other supplies in my car - just in case. Worked out quite well last night.

I slid and fell once - on my GLOCK. I have a bruise. The GLOCK does not.

I flagged down at least three cars and warned them not to go further. They did, and they wound up in ditches. I promise you, I did not lie to them! But for some reason, they did not believe me.


  1. Long time reader, first post... 8)
    If I'd known you were working that night, I'd have offered you a ride. I drove out there to pick up my brother who was also working at Target.
    He got off work at 7PM.
    It was only a ~5 mile drive, Central was fine albeit slick.
    John Hagar was rough, there were three vehicles involved in a fender bender at the bottom of the hill below the flashing lights.

    Get a set of "YakTraks" they are slip-on devices for your shoes that make it MUCH safe to walk on ice. they enabled me to help push cars out of the way by hand while on ice.

  2. Thank you, Luke.
    Problem is, Old Lebanon Dirt Rd. was closed off at both ends.
    Chandler Radford was also closed off and could not be passed (this is where I saw a 4wd vehicle spinning all four wheels, and eventually find the ditch). Either way, I'd have had to walk at least 1 mile.

    Besides... not sure I know anyone named Luke...

  3. I also saw one of the cars slide off on John Hagar. I had motioned for them to stop. Oh, well...

  4. You don't know me directly. but I've been following your blog for a while now.
    If you're familiar with other shooters in the area, we probably know some of the same people.
    You might know my brother that does work at Target, his name is Seth.

    I too saw vehicles unsuccessfully trying Chandler Radford.
    I'd have welcomed the opportunity to test my Subaru's AWD against that hill.

  5. I know a Seth whose family recently moved here from the Memphis area. Same guy?

  6. Yes, not as much these days, but back when his two older brothers (of which I am one) were instructors, he shot a lot.

    hehe, ask him about playing opfor against Memphis SWAT sometime...


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