A Facebook Rebuttal

Posted by a democratic friend on Facebook:

"I am a democrat because I believe in the equality of all people. I believe in socialized medicine, quality educations, womens rights...

I believe we should keep our noses out of other peoples bedrooms. I believe in supporting the arts. I believe that we should stop allowing big businesses to take our jobs overseas. I believe that I am not better than the homeless man I pass on the street, and the man in the Mercedes passing me..... is no better than me.

I believe the biggest reason is WWJD. So many attributes of a true Democrat is exactly how Jesus would have acted if he were walking on Earth today. Those humanitarian basics. Treat people with respect, make sure everyone has proper food, clothing and shelter."

My response:

Funny. The exact same reasons listed are why I am conservative. I tried being liberal - then reality hit... HARD. Free healthcare for everybody sounds great - problem is, there is not enough money to pay for it. Quality education is what we should all want for our children - but the government has proven over and over that it cannot provide. Women's rights were voted in by Republicans - conservatives - as were equal rights for all races.

I agree we should keep our noses out of others' bedrooms - the sanctity of marriage or any other relationship is too important for big government to have any say in. I believe we should stop letting the government tell any business how it should be run - the .gov never gets it right anyways.

I believe all men are created equal - and should be equally allowed to succeed or fail without government intervention. Everything else .gov intervenes in gets screwed up!

I agree that the biggest and greatest thing we can do is ask WWJD - Jesus gave freely of his unlimited resources. We, as imperfect people, do not have unlimited resources. Jesus knew this, so he asked us to give 1/10 - "Tithe." With the tithes, the church can do far more than .gov could ever dream of. They have been doing far more for centuries with far less than 10%!

Jesus did not provide everything for everyone. Instead, he helped people so that they could eventually help themselves. He knows that government cannot provide. Heck, .gov can't do much of anything right. I think we should follow that principle.

And I think the majority of Americans agree with me... because they just overwhelmingly voted in that direction.

And I think this post will get deleted. Truth often hurts.


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