Does not make sense

A person I know is an organic vegetarian. She elects also not to drink milk.

Far be it from me to tell another human how to live.

No, what is interesting here is the reasoning used. This individual cites this article and the associated research as to why she avoids milk ,and does not allow her child(ren) to drink milk, either.

Let me debunk this one quickly, using this quote from the article:
As for the link between dairy products and osteoporosis, "there's no solid evidence that merely increasing the amount of milk in your diet will protect you from breaking a hip or wrist or crushing a backbone in later years," says Walter C. Willett, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.
Problem is twofold:
1. He used an all-male study. Osteoporosis is known to strike women far more often than men.
2. In the female study, the only measuring stick was hip fracture. How many people have osteoporosis that have not fractured their hip?


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