Curious Find...

Several times in the last two weeks, I've found several restaurants that have posted against allowing Handgun Carry Permit holders from carrying in their establishments. That is not the most curious part.

The most curious part is this... of the restaurants I found, most of the signs were small, off to the side, and generally difficult to see. One blended in so well with the background that it was almost completely invisible from the outside.

Now part of Tennessee law states that for these signs to have legal "teeth," they must be "plainly visible."

If a restaurant owner or manager is clearly anti-gun, why not be so openly? Why hide the sign in such a cowardly manner?

I visited the Crow's Nest in Nashville, and the sign was open, prominent, and clearly stated the owner is anti-gun. But the other two restaurants all but hid their signs. I wonder what underhanded purpose they have in doing so?


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