The ultimate reason Obamacare is wrong

Earlier this week, I posted multiple reasons why Obamacare is wrong. However, many liberals, obamabots, and other zombie-like persons still argue with me on those points (and a few more I've learned since then, too).

So I will spell it out and make it really clear.

The Constitution, as it was written, placed limits only on what the federal and local governments could and could not do. There were no limits on citizens.

With the Obamacare bill, we the people are forced to do something (purchase healthcare coverage). While I am in favor of making this purchase (and even did so today on the new job!), it is none of the government's business to tell me what to do or not do - what to purchase or not purchase.

This bill changes precedent. If it stands up to trial, we are in deep trouble. Here's why:

Now, with the right administration and house of representatives, the people could be forced to buy any of the following:
- Guns (you knew I'd say that, huh?). Even though I would not mind that, others would, and that is why it would be wrong - I'd be infringing on others.
- Cars.
- Pizza.
- Paper.
- Or any number of things...

The point is, it is wrong of government to dictate to the people what they have to buy, because the people are free and our Constitution allows for them to buy what they want.

When they (government) force the people to buy... who is to say that everything they force YOU to buy is something you need... or want. It could be something you are vehemently opposed to for one reason or another.

Then, it is easier to take the next liberty away and force you to do other things you may not want to do. And force people from either side of the aisle to do the same, regardless of their personal beliefs.

That's the catch - it is the government deciding, not the free individual deciding.

And that, my friends, is exactly why it is WRONG. My prayers are for decisive political action at the polls for the next few years, and that God's favor be shown to us in America - despite the fact that we as a nation have turned from Him and His principles. Also, I pray for sanity from the courts. Only God can provide that.


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