Some updates on some good legislation in TN:

First, HB 3125 - a rewrite of TN code 39-17-1305 so as to allow HCP holders to carry in restaurants that happen to serve alcohol - has passed out of the House Judiciary committee and is going to be moved on to be voted on in the State House and then Senate.

This bill is designed to slap two people in the face so-to-speak.
1) Chancellor Bonnyman, an activist Judge who attempted to use the position of judge to rewrite law last fall by striking down HB 0962 as "unconstitutionally vague." This bill removes the part of the law that prohibits carrying where alcohol is served, so that ruling cannot hold.
2) Randy Rayburn, business (restaurant & bar) owner. He put up a sign in one of his establishments that read "Guns - never; free parking - always." HB 3125 requires exact verbage quoting 39-17-1359 on the post for the post to hold weight of law.

Second, HB 0960 - allowing HCP holders to carry in all state, federal, and local parks. This is in the House judiciary committee. It looks promising. For the record, it is currently legal for HCP holders to carry in all federal and state parks, and all local parks where the local officials have not "opted out." This passed last year, and allowed local jurisdictions to "opt-out" if they wanted on allowing HCP holders to carry in the local parks.

The expectation was that only a few localities might opt out. A number of them did. And it became a mess very quickly. There are many places where local parks have opted out in one section, and not in another. Now the legislature is going to do this one correctly and disallow local preemptions as was needed with the original HCP legislation.

Third - HB 0770 - allowing HCP holders to carry handguns while bowhunting during the archery-only season - provided they do not kill the deer with the handgun. In recent years, enterprising criminals have been robbing bowhunters, as they know that bowhunters are prohibited from carrying firearms for personal defense. As a resonse, this bill was enacted, and signed into law by the Governor.

It takes effect in July and will be ready for this fall's bow-hunting season.

Funny note - Representative Janis Sontany (Democrat) really did not understand this one. She was recorded on tape asking why hunters would need their handguns if they already had a bow and arrow to kill the deer.
It was never about the harvesting of the game animal, Ms. Sontany. Duh.


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