Calling out the Media

Interesting story here. Nashville's Channel 4 ran a story on an event attended by numerous lawmakers today.


The "journalist" slanted the story to be an "expose" of lawmakers "skipping" out of their legislative duties.

And the slant was absolutely wrong.

This event has been planned for over three months. There was a similar event last year. There were more elected officials present than just certain state lawmakers. The list goes on with regards to the inaccuracies of this story as presented by Chanel 4.

You can read a response from the owner of Hero-Gear (one of the sponsors of the event) at this link (for a time - archives stories after 90-days). In case it gets pulled, I have copied and pasted the response below:

Response by Joe Lundberg of Hero Gear (a really nice guy and terrific supporter of our 2nd amendment rights):
My response:
This is the 4th year we have put this event on for our leaders in Nashville.
We had a good turn out of perhaps 60 brave State Reps/Senators/Commissioners, to include the Speaker of the House, as well as Zack Wamp, and the Adjutant General, Major General Haston.
* 75+ were scheduled to attend, but several lawmakers and even a few sponsors back out at the last minute to avoid the anticipated negative press....thanks for sticking to your guns, guys....

Disregard ANYTHING you have read or heard from our liberal media "friends"
This is an annual event, and one that had been planned for OVER 3 months.
This was not some impromptu event meant to delay all of the "good work" being done in Nashville.

Purpose of this event?
- Showcase the very unique training environment and relationship between the U.S. Air Force, and the TN National Guard.
Many do not understand that the Volunteer Training Site is located on Federal property, owned by the Dept. of the Air Force, but occupied and managed by the TN National Guard.
This is a rare example of State/Federal working together in a positive manner.

- Showcase the unique mission and capabilities of AEDC.
In this time of Federal spending cuts, its very important that our TN lawmakers understand how vital AEDC is to our economy here in TN, and the future strength of our military.
There are talks of AEDC being on the chopping block in the coming year/s so it is important that we have Nashville on our side should Washington decide to kill the base and their research programs.

- Demonstrate the POSITIVE aspects of firearms ownership and use in a controlled setting.
You would be amazed at how many of our leaders have never fired a gun, nor understand the rights of gun ownership.
Everyone we had on our range left better educated on the importance of gun rights/ownership, and hopefully (maybe im dreaming...) are in a better position to make fact-based votes next time a gun bill hits the floor.

With all of that said; its frustrating to see a lot of hard work and grassroots efforts slanted into something as simple as "A bunch of Reps played hooky"

These events are VERY expensive to put on, but just like the NRA and FoNRA events we sponsor, the money is well spent in my opinion.

One last observation;
You guys ever get tired of seeing the "pro-gun" guys they put in front of the camera?
You know, the one that lives in a trailer, hasnt had a shower in 2 weeks, thinks the aliens are coming to steal his pokemon cards, and flies a rebel flag in the back window of his POS truck?

The statement that
"Channel 4 was unable to speak with the representatives by deadline."
is a total lie.

Not only was I available for comment, but I spent several hours with Channel 4 on my range, and spoke with them in great length, helping them get the shots they needed, and offering to help them with their story.
The facts are; they are not interested in putting pro-gun people that dont look like morons in front of the camera.

"So, Mr. Lundberg, you are a 20 Vet of the Military, a small business owner here in TN, a family man, and a community leader?"
"Yeah, I dont think we have enough time to interview you for this segment...."

Folks, be wary of anything you see on TV.


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