Yes, they know the truth

Anti-gun folks do know the truth. Truth is that having guns for self defense makes sense. They either don't want to admit it, or they hide their heads in the sand and hope they never need one. The worst of them just want guns for themselves, but not for you and me.

An anti-gun state legislator from North Carolina falls into either the former category, or the last one. R.C. Soles recently used his gun to fend off a home intruder.

Link to article.

According to this blog, and several internet searches, Soles enjoyed increasing restrictions on the law-abiding gun owners of North Carolina.

I am betting he is one of those guys that thinks it is OK for him to have a gun, but not you and me.

I could say something mean here, but the fact is that I am glad he had a gun. He has the right. So do I. So do you.


  1. The far left are now complaining that President Obama has not lifted a finger to ban guns. The NRA however are saying he "Is gonna ____" fill in the blanks. This makes me wonder because this issue has been going back and forth since John Kennedy got shot. I have wonder about the polititions one way or the other. I also have to wonder about the NRA. With all the money in dues they take in, do they REALLY want this issue to go away? The same can be said with the polititions. When one party or the other gets in Complete power, this issue STILL does not go away. This is what we should be asking.


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