Range Report

I got to shoot today at the range. Some things I observed:

1. I shot "Rifleman" (210 or more out of 250) each time on the Appleseed AQT (Army Qualification Test), save for twice.
- Once, I was using the Marlin 795 Christmas gift - the cheap, variable-power scope changed POI as the magnification is changed. Lesson learned.
- Once, with My Marlin 60, after finishing the last leg of the AQT, my rear sight fell off.
- Both times I shot a 206 / 250 (210 is "Rifleman").

2. Idiots abound.
This range has no RSO's (Range Safety Officers). Normally, folks call out "Cold line!" to indicate to other shooters to stop shooting so they can go down range and put up targets. Today, that safety principle was violated four times. Folks just walked down range without saying anything while others were firing.
Also, once when I was putting up targets, along with a half-dozen others, some idiot fired off his rifle. Made me rather mad. I don't like getting shot at!

3. A compliment goes a long way.
After helping a fellow shooter sight in his nice AR-10, then shooting the same range with my little .22, another shooter stated I was the most talented shooter at the range. Cloud 9!

4. Shooting at 100-yard targets with .22's can be done.
- And I hit what I was shooting at! In fact, the shooter with the AR-10 (which had a nice, large scope on it) was farther off target than I was with my humble Marlin 60 with iron-sights. After he said so, he asked for help to sight in his rifle.
- It is funny to hear the little .22 Marlin fire, then a half-second later hear the bullet strike the target 100 yards away. "POW! ... ... ... Whap!"
- I would not want to get hit by a rifleman using a .22 at 100 yards. I know the round is not very powerful, even right at the muzzle, but when I aimed for the head / neck, I hit it. That could really ruin your day.

5. I still hate it when my safety glasses fog up.

6. Shooting prone, without a sling, is not as accurate as with a sling.
But you can still make the shot. All my "rifleman" scores were shot without a sling in the prone position. I used a "hasty sling" in the standing and seated positions. I have shot as high as 243/250 with a scope and sling. However, my goal now is to remove those crutches and get my iron-sight, no sling shooting up to par, as well.

7. Shooting is fun. Always.
Now I am looking forward to the next time I can go!

8. Beware the shooter who is soft-spoken and uses a humble gun.
I said little today. I used a $130 Marlin model 60, .22 caliber rifle. My targets were shot more consistently than any other shooter on the range. Many of the others were shooting from supported positions. I did not shoot supported, save for the first 10 shots to get the 795 with the new scope sighted in.

9. Goals are good.
They help you measure progress. I had shot "rifleman" on AQT's before. Most of them had been shot using a scope and a sling. Today, I shot that level without either the scope or the sling. Make no mistake - my shooting is, on average, 10-20 points higher with a scope and sling. However, now I have proof (and skill to back it up) that one can train and get results. However, without a goal, results are hard to measure and interpret.

10. Even a bad day at the range is better than a good day doing anything else.
And this was a good day at the range!


  1. i'm not so sure about appleseed? I did shoot rifleman on my first day (sunday). There were too many mentions of head shots and picking someone off at 500 yards for me. There were mostly teenagers/ young adults at the shoot I really don't think they need to here about the Glory of sinping someone in modern times(I'm not talking about the military or historical value of sniping) On Sunday there was very little instruction or correction. I shot well and they left me alone I guess. There was not enuff time between rounds to load and navigate through ice and snow (safety issue I dont care what the book says no one need to run on ice and snow to load mags and get on the line) It seem all I heard was hurry hurry hurry what is this the Army? Been there done that. I can see for sure a 1 st time shooter not wanting to come back Sunday or even leave early. For me there was no sight picture or breathing there was no time by the time I got into position especially sitting so I took a harder position to shoot from. i;m sure a different Shoot boss and instructors would have changed my out look on Appleseed. Still wasn't there Saturday (maybe thats when they teach all the stuff to turn newbees into high master shooters) so maybe I should't judge but I saw and heard for the average shooter I dont know But I do know I can shoot rifleman, could before appleseed and won't be going to a Appleseed again!!!!!!!!!

  2. Sorry to hear about that. AS does teach more on day 1, but still, the instruction is like "drinking from a firehose." Not really quality instruction.

    Just curious, you didn't post this online anywhere, did you? Gotta be on the lookout for "Pile on."

  3. no other post. explain "Pile on"

  4. "Error #1" from this post:

    In short, Appleseed instructors collude on the Appleseed forums, then, in unison, rain down on the "non-believer." They do this in an attempt to make it look like this person is the only one ever to have had a bad time.


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